- You were once an employee too
- Split second anger will cause staggering distance between employer-employee
- Be a leader not an autocrat

Turns out that a whole bunch of managers agree with me too! According to a research on what leads to reduced business performance conducted by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), 44 per cent cited a lack of leadership while 45 per cent pointed to poor staff morale.
I know its difficult being a boss – too many people to co-ordinate with and too many tasks to delegate. But just imagine, your employees are dissatisfied with their work but they need the job, they can¡¯t share office troubles in detail with their families, neither can they discuss them with their bosses who are the cause of their misery in the first place. Thinking ¡®stuck between the Devil and the deep blue sea¡¯?? Exactly!
Its not a cakewalk but you can defuse the tension and make your office a happy place to work in if you heed my small business advice on how to generate a motivated bunch of employees.
Talk to your employees. I am not saying that be a friend to them, but an occasional chat, a periodical review of their grievances can reassure them that their company cares for them. Giving them occasional business gifts can also convey what you want to say.
Running a business is all about team-work, and a feeling of mutual responsibility is necessary to make that happen. Discuss company goals with your employees and don¡¯t announce them. After all they are the ones going to make it happen and they need to find it feasible.
Your employees are people who work for you in exchange for money and you don¡¯t own their life. Its harsh to put it this way I know, but be considerate with your employees. Give them flexible working hours or while giving them promotional gifts for X¡¯mas or New Year¡¯s, give promo items that can be enjoyed by the entire family.
Just a small tip. A kind word can do wonders to your employees¡¯ morale. For e.g. don¡¯t make your promo items charity gifts for your employees. Adorn them with words straight from your heart!
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