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Promo Ideas

Unique tips on promotional marketing and brand management topics that will help you promote and endorse your brand in an dffective way.

Appeal to a customer's five senses when advertising

Appeal to a customer's five senses when advertising

Marketing methods that appeal to customer’s five senses have proven to be extremely effective. Studies have actually shown that when a consumer recalls more than one sensory impression that a product or brand has conveyed, brand loyalty is around 60%.

While good copywriting that appeals to a consumer’s senses works, tangible products are much more effective. Successful advertising appeals to consumer’s five senses of touch, sight, smell, taste and sound.
Marketers constantly need to think of creative ways to make an impact on their consumers. While fragrance brands use the scratch-and-sniff technique to ensure their consumer’s sense of smell gets activated, other industries don’t have many economical methods to appeal to all senses of their targeted consumers.

This is why gifting promotional gifts is an ideal marketing method. While you may not be able to send samples of your products (and especially, services) to your customers, you can send them cost-effective Promotional Products which will appeal to their senses. Since your logo and brand message will be imprinted on these products, you will ensure that your message gets to them in the most economical way possible.

You can gift candy or food gift items in boxes imprinted with your logo to key partners, suppliers and customers. These gifts will appeal to your consumer’s senses of taste, smell, sight and touch. Promotional Products like promotional pens, calendars and apparel all appeal to a consumer’s sense of touch and sight. So, be sensible and use Promo Direct’s promotional products to get your advertising message across to your target audience!

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