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Promo Ideas

Unique tips on promotional marketing and brand management topics that will help you promote and endorse your brand in an dffective way.

Does Your Current Company Logo Need To Retire?

Does Your Current Company Logo Need To Retire?

Once a promotional products is imprinted with your logo, in addition to the product itself, your logo is what stays in your client’s mind. Your brand logo is what your customers associate your business with--with a good service or product. It is the link between your business and them. So mechanically continuing to customize promo items with your logo, without stopping to consider if it even continues to strike a chord with your clients, is just damaging to that crucial bridge between them and you.
A grave error that some businesses make is to see things from their own perspective, rather than from that of their clients—who are the very source of business! What might seem like a perfect logo to business owners might be turning off not just existing clients, but even potential customers.

A good starting point is to just ask all your customers what they think of your company logo and you’ll be surprised at the reviews you might get! It’s worth the effort, because the next time you give out custom logo merchandise, a logo that your target audience finds appealing could radically benefit your next advertising campaign.

Review not just the design of the logo and its color, but also the message that it sends out and the methodology of promoting your brand. Maybe you’ll find that your company does indeed need a logo overhaul, and that your current logo needs to retire, with good effect, too!

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